Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Generate a Unique ID

Here is some code I wrote to generate always unique ID's (Only Unique to One application, two applications could generate the same ID, however it is very unlikely)

Note that I used the keyword "Shared" by doing this your code can get an ID without creating a new object.

The SyncLock Command makes sure only one thread can access it at a time.

The Sleep one millisecond command makes sure if two threads requested data at the same time, they both get different ID's.

Public Class UniqueID

Public Shared ReadOnly Property Generate() As String
Dim UniqueID As String

SyncLock "GENID"


Dim d As String = Now.DayOfYear
Dim y As String = Now.Year
Dim h As String = Now.Hour
Dim m As String = Now.Minute
Dim s As String = Now.Second
Dim ms As String = Now.Millisecond
If d.Length = 1 Then d = "00" & d
If d.Length = 2 Then d = "0" & d
If h.Length = 1 Then h = "0" & h
If m.Length = 1 Then m = "0" & m
If s.Length = 1 Then s = "0" & s
If ms.Length = 1 Then ms = "00" & ms
If ms.Length = 2 Then ms = "0" & ms

UniqueID = y & d & h & m & s & ms

End SyncLock

Return UniqueID

End Get
End Property
End Class

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